“Phone Sex & Virgin Blood” with Amber Nelson

In this week’s episode of COSMOS AND THE CITY: THE SEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, your host Megan McIver will sit down with the hilarious Amber Nelson. Together these two will discuss Season Two, Episode Three of SEX AND THE CITY entitled: The Freak Show.
From Charlotte’s new man taking frequent trips dowtown, Miranda removing herself from the dating game altogether, Samantha jumping headfirst into the world of plastic surgery, and Carrie going on multiple terrible dates, there’s quite a lot to discuss.
We’ll also be going over all your favorite segments: Hottie of the Week, Pun of the Week, Good Big Bad Big, Who Wore What Why?, and finally You’re Such a _________.
Will Charlotte end up with “Mr. Pussy”? Will Miranda stay celibate forever? Will there be anything left of the original Samantha? And will Carrie ever find a man that isn’t a total freak? Through all the madness Megan and Amber will share their thoughts on ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY EVERYTHING
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: “Are all men freaks? Carrie dates a bunch of freaks before she meets Ben, then ruins a great thing when she turns into a freak; Samantha goes on a first date with a man who wears dog collars and likes to be slapped around; Charlotte dates “Mr. Pussy” but realizes that’s all he’s good for; Miranda gives up on dating entirely.”
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