“Holy Mother of Mr. Big” with Simon Gibson

*In this week’s fabulous episode of Cosmos and the City, your host Megan McIver will sit down with the Hilarious Simon Gibson (Backyard Bootlegs). Together the two discuss eggs benedict and relationships in the Season One Finale of Sex and the City: Oh Come All Ye Faithful. From the absurd to the logical, Megan and Simon share their thoughts on Abso-Fucking-Lutely everything.*


**Episode Synopsis: Mr. Big introduces Carrie to his mother as a friend, causing Carrie to ponder where their relationship is headed. Miranda breaks up with Catholic Guy because of his sexual hangups and returns to Skipper’s always open arms. Samantha finally gives relationships a try, but soon finds out that size does matter. Charlotte is dismayed to discover that all the fortune tellers in the city agree on one thing–her eternal status as a single woman.**

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