“A Heart to Heart and Steve!” with MY MOM (Jane McIver).

In this week’s episode of COSMOS AND THE CITY: THE SEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, your host Megan McIver will sit down with her own Mother Jane McIver. Together these two will discuss Season Two, Episode Eight of SEX AND THE CITY entitled: “The Man, The Myth, The Viagra.”
From Samantha giving into the charms of an older man, Miranda having a fling with a bartender, Charlotte bringing up dating urban legends, and Carrie trying to get Big to spend time with her friends.
Plus we’ll have all your favorite segments: Hottie of the Week, Pun of the Week, Good Big Bad Big, Who Wore What Why?, and finally You’re Such a _________.
Will Samantha teach an old dog new tricks? Will Miranda’s one night stand turn into something more? Will Charlotte find a fairy tale of her own? And will Big get some quality time in with the fabulous four??? Through all the madness Megan and Jane will share their thoughts on ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY EVERYTHING
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: “After walking out on her date who turned out to be still married despite his claim to be divorced, Miranda is happy to be picked up by cocky barman Steve, who soon wants more then their one-night stand. Carrie believes her rekindled relationship with Mr. Big is good enough to get him to know her friends a little better. Samantha has an atypical lover, even for a man-eater like her: Donald Trump’s single friend Ed is past 70, so will his old-fashioned wooing and lavish gifts outweigh his physical decay?”

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