🔥🔥 “Fire Season! Time to Turn up the Heat” with Jamie Loftus 👨🏼‍🚒 🚒

In the Season Three Premiere of COSMOS AND THE CITY: THE SEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, your host Megan McIver will sit down with the stupendous Jamie Loftus. Together these two will discuss Season Three, Episode One of SEX AND THE CITY entitled: “Where There’s Smoke…”
This week Megan & Jamie will be sorting through: Samantha’s HOTTTT new boy toy, Miranda undergoing the most intense lasik eye surgery ever, Charlotte’s losing her friggin mind on a ferry, and Carrie trying to be as politically correct as possible.
Plus we’ll have all your favorite segments: Hottie of the Week, Pun of the Week, Good Big Bad Big, Who Wore What Why?, I Couldn’t Help But Wonder….., and You’re Such a _________.
Will Samantha’s fiery romance be doused? Will Miranda finally be able to see things clearly? Will Charlotte’s “scream and it will happen” tactic help her achieve her goals? Will Carrie put politics aside and follow her heart? Through all the madness Megan and Jamie will share their thoughts on ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY EVERYTHING.
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: “Carrie and her posse venture across the river to Staten Island for the New York City Fire Department’s “Calendar Contest.” It’s not long before Samantha locks eyes with her dream hunk, Ricky, and even less time before she finds out just how hot he is. But on a surprise visit to the firehouse, Samantha’s red-hot fantasy is shattered when she encounters a back room of average men eating popcorn in front of the TV and even worse, when her romp with Ricky is cut short by a real fire, leaving her naked and aghast. Meanwhile, Bill Kelley, an older local politician, makes the moves on Carrie, but doesn’t get very far. Drunk on the ferry ride home, Charlotte declares that this is the year she will get married. Rehashing the night over brunch, Charlotte blurts out that the reason firemen are so hot is because they fulfill women’s fantasy of being rescued. But Miranda refuses to be rescued, and when her doctor says she needs someone to take her home after her laser vision surgery, she tries to manage on her own. Steve insists, showing Miranda that being rescued isn’t always a sign of weakness. Charlotte goes on a date with Arthur, her latest prince charming. But after Arthur gets into a few fist fights, Charlotte realizes he’s a bully, not a prince. Politician Bill campaigns for Carrie’s attention, and eventually she gives in to a coat room kiss, but not more…”

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