💦 “Golden Showers and the Boys Department” with Vanessa Chester 🙍‍♂️


In Season Three, Episode Two of COSMOS AND THE CITY: THE SEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, your host Megan McIver will sit down with the incredible Vanessa Chester. Together these two will discuss Season Three, Episode Two of SEX AND THE CITY entitled: “Politically Erect”

This week Megan & Vanessa will be sorting through: Samantha’s new man and their height difference, Miranda’s fear of becoming exclusive, Charlotte’s “used date” party, and Carrie golden problem.
Plus we’ll have all your favorite segments: Hottie of the Week, Pun of the Week, Good Big Bad Big, Who Wore What Why?, and You’re Such a _________.
Will Samantha lower her standards? Will Miranda settle for something better? Will Charlotte find love among ex’s? Will Carrie pee on a politician? Through all the madness Megan and Vanessa will share their thoughts on ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY EVERYTHING.
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: “It’s been three wonderful weeks on the campaign trail for Carrie and Bill when their romance is brought to a deeper level, twice. Charlotte moves ahead with her own campaign — to be elected wife by year’s end. She decides to throw a used date party, which seems to be going well until her new-found interest starts making out with his ex. Meanwhile, Miranda is pushed to confront her ambivalence when Steve says he wants to see her exclusively. She wonders: what if someone better comes along? Samantha is also deeply conflicted about her latest man: he’s a munchkin who shops in the boys department at Bloomingdale’s, but he’s got a great sense of humor and he’s a powerhouse in bed. Carrie gets nervous on the campaign trail when Bill asks her to pee on him, and Bill’s response is to call it quits, saying it’s a bad political move to date a sex columnist. Carrie gets the last word though, titling her latest column, “To Pee or Not to Pee?”

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