👀 “PeekaBoob & SportsNite” with Peter Moses 🏀⚽️🏈⚾️

In this week’s episode of COSMOS AND THE CITY: THE SEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, your host Megan McIver will sit down with the hilarious Peter Moses. Together these two will discuss Season Two, Episode Thirteen of SEX AND THE CITY entitled: “Games People Play”
This week Megan & Peter will be sorting through: Samantha and her obsessed new flame, Miranda and her sexy voyeur, Charlotte and her disappearing act (she’s barely in this episode) and Carrie hooking up with a fellow therapy patient.
Plus we’ll have all your favorite segments: Hottie of the Week, Pun of the Week, Good Big Bad Big, Who Wore What Why?, and finally You’re Such a _________.
Will Samantha hit a homerun? Will Miranda take her love cross town (or across the street)? Will Carrie sort out her issues? Will we ever see Charlotte again? Through all the madness Megan and Peter will share their thoughts on ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY EVERYTHING.
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: “When even her friends are sick and tired of Carrie’s raving after the break-up with Mr. Big, she takes their advice to go to therapy, as everybody does in Manhattan, and gets a surprise bonus: in the waiting room she meets Seth, who proves a substitutive therapy in the flesh. Samantha picks up a man in a sports bar, but will even she ever get his full and undivided attention for nonathletic practice? Miranda feels really flattered when a gorgeous man in the adjacent building goes from flirting to stripping at the window, but when she meets him learns his eye is on a male tenant one floor below hers.”
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