62. Bad Movies: Ben Kaplan Is Ready To Get Stuffed

Convince Me

Convince Me joins Boardwalk Audio! Yay!! To celebrate the occasion we’re joined by comedian, actor, filmaker, and handsome devil Ben Kaplan (@TheBenKaplan) who tries to get the Convince Me boyz to give bad movies a chance. We take a critical look at such cinematic garbage as The Room, Transformers, the cult classic ThanksKilling and so much more. Geoff shows off his vocabulary, Ben discusses his favorite kind of gum, and Thayer needs friends. We close things out with the return of the Dolphin Chamber [cue dolphin noise] with a product pitch that may have you calling the cops. If that doesn’t get you excited you’re dead inside. Will the boys be convinced to watch Kaplan’s bad movies recommendations? You’ll have tune in to find out.