97. William Howard Taft: Travis Alvarez Can Talk Extemporaneously About Con Air


Four more years! Four more years! That’s what Travis Alvarez has been chanting for William Howard Taft ever since his presidential term ended. With all due respect to number 45, Travis argues that William Howard Taft is the last great republican president. Sad! No Taft discussion would be complete without a direct comparison to Paul Ryan. That’s right, we discuss Paul Ryan’s legacy and what he was like in college, trace Taft’s family tree, and shout out to our bot listeners in Cincinnati! MYTHBUSTER ALERT! We have an intense investigation into Taft’s tumultuous history with bathtubs and if indeed he got his portly ass stuck in one. Did he? Didn’t he? You’ll have to tune in to find out what a naked Taft was up to back in his day. Travis makes a lot of people angry when he ranks his top presidents. We close things out with some presidential trivia in an intense battle of wits. Will the convince me boys build a time machine and go back in time to vote for this guy? Hit play on the episode to find out.


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