96. Mountain Lion P-22: Patrick McDonald Stared Down A Pack Of Coyotes


The delightful Patrick McDonald (@patrickmcd0nald) is obsessed with the Los Angeles resident mountain lion P-22. We discuss the popularity of this celebrity feline, his diet of muleteer, raccoons and occasionally a koala (who pays us a visit), and how we should all see ourselves in P22: a displaced Mountain Lion who crossed two freeways and survived but is soldering on in Los Angeles. We also hear a harrowing tale of Patrick encountering a pack of coyotes. Finally, we close with perhaps the most successful installation of Dolphin Chamber to date.

You can see Patrick on stage at UCB Franklin Los Angeles in the one-man show “Straight White Ally” on May 17, June 5, and July 5, more info and tickets here: https://franklin.ucbtheatre.com. Catch him on Twitter @patrickmcd0nald @patrickmcd0nald. Also check out Patrick’s Jimmy Buffet podcast Parrothead Podcast on Twitter @parrotheadpod.

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