93. Space Jam: Eileen Mary O’Connell Is Sporty But Feminine

Convince Me

In a passionate attempt to win the hearts and minds of the Convince Me Boyz, verified twitter user/retired basketball champion Eileen Mary O’Connell (@i_Lean) invades the studio to talk about the greatest movie of all time: SPACE JAM. Eileen saw Space Jam opening day many moons ago and her love for the film has grown bigger than Michael Jordan’s cartoonish arm! She explains the subtleties of the film, like how aliens from Moron Mountain are stupid, and why MJ is the greatest straight man ever to grace the silver screen. Geoff tries his best to find plot holes, but Eileen’s defense is truly out of this world. Most importantly we take a visceral look into what would happen if aliens robbed the Convince Me hosts of their talents! (Hard to rob something that doesn’t exist, jk jk, we’re all friends here.) DUNK! This episode closes out with America’s favorite segment title match, you’re going to love it, or hate it, or think it’s ok. Will Eileen stretch her arm and make a last second shot for a convincing victory? Grab a ticket and enjoy this epic matchup of differing opinions.

For more from the positively hilarious Eileen, follow her on twitter @i_Lean, on the gram @eileenmaryoconnell, or you can check out her fantastic Muppet’s podcast Skeeter-ial (boardwalkaudio.com/skeeter-ial ) which follows the mysterious disappearance of Skeeter.

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