88. Alternative Commuting: Kyle Gaan is Raw Hogging It

Convince Me

Cars bad! Bikes good! That’s what cool, environmentally-friendly, and just friendly guy Kyle Gaan (Instagram:@kyguy_la) says when it comes to alternative commuting. That’s right folks, take that car and put in the garbage because there’s a better way to get around town and it rhymes with sma-biking (the answer is biking). Along this two-wheeled journey we visit Geoff and Kyle’s longboard phase, place ourselves on the sweat spectrum, and talk bike stats. Helmets are lame tho right? Not if you like living. Safety is back and it is sexier than ever on this episode. Beyond our in-depth bike style tips, we play the age-old classic game “bike, plane, train…or walk…or drive” to put Kyle’s alternative commuting strategy to the test. We close things out with some bike trivia and discover a daunting secret about Geoff’s teeth brushing habits. Will Kyle get the boys to remove their training wheels and ride the bike of life? Or will the boys continue to hate planet earth and watch the world burn? Tune in to find out! Or don’t! It’s your choice! Ding Ding!

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