78. Mushrooms: Josh Simpson Loves Black Friday

Convince Me

Josh Simpson (@MrJoshSimpson) wanted to talk about adoption and abortion, but we chickened out on that topic and he talked about Mushrooms instead. It’s the final installment of our special series, “Rocktober but Actually Novemby (and a Little Bit of Decemby)” because Mushrooms make a music unlike any other, man. Josh first discusses the ideal mushroom situation: do it with people who are experienced, in a safe place, in a safe dosage, on Black Friday. He argues that in this ideal situation, mushrooms are can both deepen relationships and provide a catalyst for life-changing revelations. Josh views mushrooms as a sporadically-used tool to achieve these ends. In this way, Josh argues that mushrooms are not just a recreational drug for purely recreational means.  Along the way we also chat about Wilco, Black Friday, hiking, institutionalism, 50 First Dates, and Songwriting. We unfortunately did not get to Josh’s rap career. We also play a round of Title Match.

Thayer’s living the island life in Japan during this episode, so feel free to tweet at him and ask his thoughts on mushrooms.

Josh Simpson is the co-host of the hilarious storytelling and improv podcast The Meat, check it out on Boardwalk Audio. You can also find Josh on stage at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade LA Teacher’s Show Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm.

DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse consuming Mushrooms. Be careful out there eating fungi!

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