73. Letters: Alyssa Sabo Sends Letters, Receives Texts

Convince Me

First off, Happy Halloween! Secondly, this week Alyssa Sabo (@alyssa_sabo) joins us to talk about sending letters, cards, and in-class notes to loved ones. In a way, this description is a letter to you, our beloved audience. Along the way talk about writing letters for love, writing letters to a little ol’ man by the name of G-o-d, and writing letters for your own emotional well-being. Incredibly vulnerable. For some reason this topic leads to a lot of talk about our high school years, so if you’ve ever wondered what that was like for us, this episode is for you! For example, Geoff had four (4) girlfriends before he even turned 21.

Check out Alyssa’s team Shimmy! at UCB on many Sundays: https://ucbtheatre.com/performance/36235. “Tell ’em Convince Ya sent ya!”

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