65. Pro Wrestling: Mikey McCollor Smacks Us With A Folding Chair


Mikey McCollor (@MikeyMcCollor) loves wrestling so much he did it! What is this, an episode of “You Should Love Wrestling?” No, it’s Convince Me. Check your podcast titles, sheesh. Mikey takes the guys through his favorite moments, from Stone Cold Steve Austin’s “heel turn” from a “babyface” to a “heel” (this episode is rife with delicious lingo) to CM Punk’s gradual changes. Along the way we hear of Mikey’s own experience as a professional wrestler and get a front row seat to some of his pre-match banter. Mikey is really passionate about wrestling and it shows. We also learn a weird way to intimidate people in the same way that Stone Cold Steve Austin did—incessantly saying the word “what.” We also play a fun round of First Impressions, and talk about what Geoff must be sounding like while he’s in New York, Baby.

Follow Mikey on twitter @MikeyMcCollor. 

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