64. Roller Coaster Tycoon: Travis Rust Sells Souvenirs at a Fair Price

Convince Me

Put on your harness and keep your hands inside the vehicle, ’cause this week Travis Rust (@etravisrust) joins us to talk about Roller Coaster Tycoon! The ep gets to a slow start, but once we get past an extended conversation about water shoes we really do get into it. Travis outlines all of the quirks of the original 1999 installment. For example, did you know that every NPC in that game is a single 30 year old man? (Fun fact, that’s also Convince Me’s primary demo!) Along the way, Travis and Thayer share stories about growing up without TV/videogames and how that makes them better than the rest of us. We also get a visit from an actual Roller Coaster Tycoon character, who gets stuck in an A.I. loop and nearly explodes…. his bowels. Look at us, getting into some Sci-Fi! Or is it SyFy now?

It’s linked above, but just in case you missed it you can check out Travis on Twitter at twitter.com/etravisrust.

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