46 Cleaning: Courtney Karwal Spilled A Frappuccino On Her White Tank Top

Convince Me

Scrub-a-bubbles, Mr. Clean, urinal cake boss, what do these things mean to you? Comedian Courtney Karwal (@courtneykarwal) deep cleans the studio, offering tips, parent-children bonding stories, and band recommendations to the guys. We learn way too much about everyone’s cleaning tendencies. Nevertheless, Geoff highlights the key ingredient to his relationships, Thayer provides funny visuals, and Ben is definitely homeless. Last but not least, we interview Courtney’s toilet, Percy Kohler, and close things out with a new segment “Emojeez Louise”, discussing texting culture and habits. Will these dirty dogs become deep-cleaning legends? Tune in to find out!

For more from the amazing Courtney Karwal check out her new web series on Funny or Die, and her upcoming stand-up show. Links below!



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