24 The Once & Future King: Andrew Hansen Has A Library Card

Convince Me

Comedian Andrew Hansen (@andrewofhansen) contends that T.H. White’s fantasy novel “The Once and Future King” is an inspiring and worthwhile tale compelling enough to make Geoff actually read a book. We discuss everything from the cover art to the temperature of the physical book, leaving no stone un-sworded (sorry). Along the way we  talk about our favorite textbook art, electronic versus physical books, Andrew’s notebook list system, how to use Garageband, Geoff’s love of the sci-fi in Dianetics, and how the Friends cast compare as improvisers. Finally, we introduce the instant classic segment Title Match: Books.

Check out (library pun) Andrew Hansen at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade in Los Angeles, where he performs improv every Tuesday with Cardinal Redbird at 11:00 am, and sketch with Sugar at Maude Night. Check out ucbtheatre.com for more details. If you’re from out-of-town, it’s worth the trip!

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