21 Sister Act II: Ben Siemon Is Back in the Habit

Convince Me

Ben Siemon (@BenjaminJS) is on a mission to not only rectify the unfair Sister Act II score on Rotten Tomatoes, but to change hearts and minds with his message–that the Whoopi Goldberg sequel is superior to the original. Along the way we discuss arcade game preferences, other sequels and how they stack up to originals, Christian parody bands, a bad mis-remembering of Sound of Music, Stranger Things, possible Sister Act III premises, and the return of Thayer’s Notebook, Is This Funny?: Un-Crackables Edition.

Follow Ben Siemon on Twitter @BenjaminJS, catch him on CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and as a frequent guest and T-Shirt mascot on the podcast Gilmore Guys (@GilmoreGuysShow), and at UCB Sunset with the musicals Center Stage the Musical (Sept. 27, 2016) and La La La LA: The Puppet Musical. Ben also has a hilarious parody instagram @kyliejennerdoesstuff. Email us a question or comment: convincemepodcast@gmail.com or tweet at us @convincemepod.