14 Cleveland Cavaliers: Breck Denny is Begging You

Convince Me

Thayer “The French Cat” Frechette, Ben “The French Dog” Cassil, and Geoff “There’s Two Sides to Every Story” Kaufman are joined by Performance Artist Breck Denny. Breck has got a real passion for his boyhood team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and he’s itching to convince the boys to come on board. We delve deep into the specific reasons Breck has for each host to be convinced, and along the way we hear from former Cavs owner Ted Stepien, and find out about an innovative new way to convince. Are we at the end of the “Geoff’s dad is Shaq” saga? Listen to find out! Catch Breck Denny with the improv team The Yes Andys at the Groundlings G3 stage on Tuesday, July 26.  Rate and review us on itunes and we will try to make a pun out of your itunes username! Email convincemepodcast@gmail.com, twitter convincemepod@gmail.com.