105. Are You The One? Zander Frost Stops Being Polite


Are you the one? That’s the question Zander Frost (@Zanderhfrost on the gram) asked the Convince Me boys on this week’s episode. Zander navigates us through the complicated and entertaining world of MTV’s dating show “Are You The One?”. Each week contestants are asked to find their perfect match among a pool of daters, if they find the right person they win money, if they don’t they leave with hearts broken and wallets empty. We promise you this is just the surface of this labyrinth of love! So much is thrown at these people; truth booths, dream dates, boom boom rooms, the show has it all. This is truly a an episode you will love. We also are joined by one of the show’s previous contestants, Keith, from Virginia Tech, and close things out with some rapid convincing by our guest. Will the boys join the modern love craze and find the one? Tune in to find out!

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