102. Ayurveda: Rose O’Shea Loves Cheese and Sweets


Comedian Rose O’Shea (@ladyastronauty) thinks that the ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda can be helpful in our daily lives for everything from finding what types of foods agree with us to finding medicinal/lifestyle changes that can help disorders, such as using turmeric and reducing sugars. Along the way we discuss whether Thayer uses lotion as a food or a topical treatment, and whether soup is a drink or food. We get so deep into Ayurveda that we don’t have time to do a segment at the end.

Check out Rose O’Shea at Upright Citizens Brigade LA performing on her Harold improv team PONY, directing the Maude sketch team Bombardier, hosting and producing the LGT show, and performing with Queer World. Check out her website ladyastronaut.com.

Convince Me is hosted by Ben Cassil @BenCassil and Thayer Frechette @thayerfrechettePlease take a second to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, it really helps! Check out other shows from our network at boardwalkaudio.com.