101. Instagram Shopping: Brett Maline Has A Signature Jacket


Comedian Brett Maline (@breezy__f__baby) loves it when ads appear on his Instagram feed. His argument is that the algorithm is your friend, it knows what you want, and will offer you things you cannot find in other places. Along the way we talk about comedy, relationships, and get a visit from a real weirdo from the coast. We wrap up the episode with another installment of Dolphin Chamber, and a real shocking revelation from Brett.

Check out Brett’s hilarious video sketch team Genuine Jerks, seriously, they are great. You can also watch Brett at the UCB Los Angeles house sketch (Maude) team The New Deal every month, and beginning in November Brett will be joining The Groundlings Sunday Company!

Convince Me is hosted by Ben Cassil @BenCassil and Thayer Frechette @thayerfrechette, Please take a second to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, it really helps! Check out other shows from our network at boardwalkaudio.com.