Can You Make Mistakes While “Woke”, Our Top 5 of…, Queen of the Week Part 2

Against The Grain

The crew kicks it off with Edgar revealing he’s a conspiracy theorist and doesn’t believe we landed on the moon. Then we jump into a conversation about standing up for black folks doing the most. After discussing the outrage some had with Deray McKesson, a Black Lives Matter Activist, after he had Katy Perry on his podcast to talk about cultural appropriation, the question is posed if you’re labeled as woke, will those you gave you that label let you make mistakes, and hold you to a different and unfair standard. After all that, we all give our top 5 lists of anything we want to. Edgar talks movies, Jacquis talks TV, and Carl talks music. Then we close out with a segment that was too good to die, Queen of the Week.